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Maurice Fernandez, a gifted evolutionary astrologer, has issued a new edition of his book “Neptune, the 12th House, and Pisces.” He weaves together the planet, house and sign into a “Pisces archetype” which functions at points in the chart where Neptune is found and aspected, and with planets in the 12th house or the sign of Pisces. This Pisces archetype has at its core the unknown, that from which we came and where we will go, a mystery surrounding that which we cannot control. “We have an unconscious memory of the timeless dimension from our own initial core and origin,” Fernandez writes, “a cosmic womb.” After we are born, thrust into this world with all its challenges and forced to individuate, something in us remain connected to this timeless realm, and we long to return to this ultimate ideal of “peace, love and well-being.” We have miles to go before we sleep, however, and our evolutionary journey in this lifetime is to “learn to harmonize the dimension of timelessness with the dimension of time and space.”

This evolutionary path falls into seven phases:

1. We begin in innocence, expecting that all our needs will be met by the Universe.

2. We lose our innocence and may flounder as we learn we must manage and care for ourselves.

3. We strengthen our immunity by developing defense mechanisms and solidify our ego.

4. We tap into the collective unconscious, participate in the world as part of a larger whole.

5. We defy fear, step out of collective expectations and live according to our authentic truth.

6. We are humbled as we realize the limitations of our ego in the greater realm of larger cycles of being.

7. We realize and consciously align ourselves with the greater truth which lies beyond time and space. In other words, “We synchronize with life’s vaster currents and tap into a force greater than ourselves.”

Following this evolutionary path leads to happiness in this life, whatever our circumstances. Some of us, Fernandez tells us, only get as far as steps two or three and get stuck. Others try to shortcut the process by falling into addiction, using escape mechanisms in an attempt to return to the “cosmic womb.” Studying the Pisces archetype in our charts tells us how we can best travel this evolutionary path.

When we synthesize the Pisces and the Aries archetypes (for example, Neptune in the 1st house or in Aries, Mars in Pisces or the 12th house), we must learn to be strong as an individual and use our strength for the greater good. Marilyn Monroe, with Neptune in her 1st house, suffered victimization throughout her early years and yet eventually learned to stand up for herself and create her own production company, and a glamorous and undying image.

Combining the Pisces and Taurus archetypes (for example, Neptune in the 2nd house, in Taurus, or Neptune in aspect to Venus), creates the need to use aspects of the material world to serve the higher spiritual realm. Bono, with Pisces ruling his 2nd house and Venus in opposition to Neptune, has chosen to use what he has earned in the material world – the fame and wealth from his musical gifts – to help those who suffer in the global community.

Pisces and Gemini archetypes in synthesis (for example, Neptune in the 3rd house, in Gemini, or Gemini on the 12th house cusp) instruct us to understand there is an intelligent design in the Universe, and to communicate this in simple language to others. King George VI, the King in the movie “The King’s Speech,” with Neptune in Gemini opposing Mercury, was challenged to overcome a lifelong debilitating stutter so that he could inspire and strengthen the English people through his speeches to them during grave suffering in World War II.

When the Pisces and Cancer archetypes are blended (for example, Neptune in the 4th house, in Cancer, or the Moon in aspect to Neptune), we must learn to balance our personal needs with the needs of the collective. With a Moon Neptune conjunction, the Dalai Lama radiates the joy of a spirit at peace with himself and yet serves as a light and inspiration for those who wish to follow the same path.

Combining the Pisces and Leo archetypes (for example, Neptune in the 5th house, in Leo, or the Neptune and Sun in aspect) inspires us to invest in life and keep the torch of creativity burning so that the greater good may be served. Mick Jagger, with Neptune in his 5th house, continues to rock out and energize stadium-sized audiences well into his 70’s, joyfully sharing his amazing gifts as a performer.

Pisces and Virgo archetypes in synthesis (for example, Neptune in the 6th house or in Virgo, or Virgo on the 12th house cusp) demand that we give attention and care to everything in our lives, with no task being insignificant. Ralph Nadar, who has Neptune in Virgo opposing Mercury in Pisces, taught a nation of consumers to be wary of what we are buying and to question the claims of advertisers. The cars we purchase are safer today and the labels on packages are more transparent in part because of his tireless efforts.

When the Pisces and Libra archetypes are blended (for example, Neptune in the 7th house or in Libra, or Libra on the cusp of the 12th house), we are instructed to find the middle way between extremes and to work harmoniously with others by valuing “the other” in each other and ourselves. In President Bill Clinton, with Neptune in Libra conjunct Venus, we see someone who cut through partisan divides on social issues by focusing on the common ground we share, a concern for the economy. He also was able to broker a peace agreement between Israel and Jordan.

Synthesizing the Pisces and Scorpio archetypes (for example, Neptune in the 8th house or in Scorpio, or Pluto and Neptune in aspect) leads us to find power by releasing what does not serve us and focusing on what brings us light. Whitney Houston, who had Neptune in Scorpio in the 8th house, suffered through much darkness in her life, but when she stood on stage and sang, we could only see – and hear – the light.

Pisces and Sagittarius archetypes (for example, Neptune in the 9th house or in Sagittarius, or Pisces on the 9th house) together guide us to align our private beliefs and assumptions with Universal Truth. Abraham Lincoln, with Neptune in the 9th house in Sagittarius, transcended the racism and assumptions of his time to recognize that no human being has the right to own another, and to lead the fight to bring this Truth into the law of the land.

When Pisces and Capricorn archetypes (for example, Neptune in the 10th house or in Capricorn, or Capricorn on the 12th house cusp) are synthesized, the challenge is to align the existing order with the “divine order.” We see today Germany’s Prime Minister Angela Merkel, with Neptune conjunct Saturn in her 10th house, struggling against popular opinion to open Germany’s doors to immigrants fleeing their war torn countries, believing it is the right thing to do to offer them asylum.

Synthesizing Pisces and Aquarius archetypes (for example, Neptune in the 11th house or in Aquarius, or Neptune in aspect to Uranus) indicates the evolutionary intent to create an enlightened civilization by uniting science and spirit. Albert Einstein, with Neptune in the 11th house trine Uranus, opened up our understanding of the Universe and he also became a leading voice for pacifism in the 20th Century.

When Neptune is in Pisces, in the 12th house, or in aspect to planets in the 12th house, or when Pisces is on the 12th house cusp, the evolutionary intent is “to master the art of existence and of lasting happiness.” The requirements of this path are many. We must accept that we are born, understand that we are part of a larger whole, let go of attachments in this world, and focus on the larger, timeless Truths. Vincent Van Gogh, with Neptune in Pisces and a Venus Mars conjunction in Pisces, lived a life with very little to cling to in this world. He was poor, unhappy, ostracized, and disappointed by love and religion. And yet he used his gifts to create paintings so beautiful that they touch hearts through cultures and through time. His life was truly a gift.

As Neptune transits through Pisces, from 2011 through January of 2026, Maurice Fernandez tells us, we are each being challenged to look at the Pisces archetypes in our own charts. What aspects of our lives are being revealed as false? How true is our course to a divine purpose? How can we find happiness in the midst of so much pain? What is enduring at the heart of our experience, after everything which is false has been dissolved? How do we make peace with life? Fernandez ends his book, however, on a powerfully hopeful note. In spite of the pain and destruction and ugliness often experienced in life, we are all seeking a more peaceful, healthy, and beautiful world. “If love were not stronger than hate,” he tells us, “we would have vanished long ago.”

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